Peripheral Visions Exhibit

Coming on Saturday February 19th at 12 NOON SLT – the premiere of Peripheral Vision – About what is out of focus. An exhibit by Fau Ferdinand and Penumbra Carter. Join us Exhibit A on Odyssey for the opening event. The artists will be in attendance. AI and I by Fau Ferdinand In different…

Whale Watching in VR

JE Solo has been working extensively in NEOS VR over the last few years. Their the under world installation that features Artificially Intelligent twin whales who sing. These underwater creatures compose their own unique songs in real time based on their interpretations of an original composition by JE Solo. This project is part of the…

Documentation of CICN1 & CICN2 on Odyssey

The following videos document Jeremy Owen Turner’s creations, CICN1 and CICN2, recently exhibited on Odyssey in NEOS VR. In the first video Jeremy is interviewed by fellow artist JE Solo, about their Meta Creation in NEOS VR collaboration. In the second video, artists drop by Jeremy’s sim to visit with his artworks. CICN1 and CICN2…


The Odyssey sims in NEOS VR are proud to present the results of this year’s research and creation project – Meta-Creation in NEOS VR. Exhibitions of the artist’s work are coming up this week! Dr. Jeremy Turner will present his intelligent NPCs – named CICN 1 and CICN 2 – on December 28th and December…